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Iabadiou Piko - Eureka Threshold

18 January—1 March 2025
Opening: 17 January 2025, 6—9 pm


Iabadiou Piko - Eureka Threshold
18 January—1 March 2025
Opening: 17 January 2025, 6—9 pm

We are excited to announce our upcoming solo exhibition EUREKA THRESHOLD featuring recent paintings by the Indonesian artist Iabadiou Piko.

Self-taught Indonesian painter Iabadiou Piko translates his environment into an effervescent language of figurative symbols and whimsical shapes executed in a vibrant color palette. His dynamic street abstracts evoke childhood memories of the joys of lighthearted doodling arising from the primary need for pure creative expression. 

EUREKA THRESHOLD is a series inspired by the paradoxes of boisterous urban life; “dialectical themes in the form of abstract paintings” in the words of the artist. These “noisy” works mark Piko’s artistic journey over the last five years.

We gladly invite you to the opening on Friday, January 17th from 6—9 pm! 

For more information please visit Iabadiou Piko's artist page here.