We are very pleased with Michael Janssen's contribution to an article on the Berlin art world, published in Die Welt on 16 May 2020.
To read the full article in German, see the PDF below or go to the website of Die Welt: https://www.welt.de/kultur/blau/plus200940558/Ist-Berlin-noch-zu-retten-Ueber-den-Abstieg-einer-Kunststadt.html
"Berlin has this immense creative potential and will always re-invent itself as art city. Also artists and galleries will find new ways to actively participate in the cultural image of Berlin, in spite but also because of the Corona-crisis. However I don't have big hopes that the politicians here will understand the importance of the industry. Basically I wish that the cultural diversity of Berlin keeps existing and that the crisis for Berlin will bring forth new approaches in cultural politics. (...)"
PDF: Article "Metropole in Niedergang – Ist Berlin noch zu retten?" – Die Welt